Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Newt Clementine

My reflection 
I had to do read a chapter of Matilda 
and then I named my newt Clementine 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Measurement Scavenger Hunt

I had to measure objects around the class and the put that information into this slide
and then I had to estimate how much was left for the millimeters and say that was the difference.
I feel ok that I finished it I did well on doing most of it.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Summaring - Charlotte's Web

My Reflection I had to find 100 words from another site off Charlotte's web which has the chapter's of the book and you needed to find 100 word of that and then you typed it onto this. What I did well on was typing the words really fast in the boxes. I feel really releaved that I finished this. I would have liked to not get confused sometimes with the words.


My Reflection
I did

I did well about my writing and my thinking for trying to write my speech.
I fell like I could have done better but I liked my speech.
I want to know more about all the sports in the world!!!
My next steps are to write longer paragraphs and make it more interesting and exiting.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Interpret Diagrams

Peaches Fractions Problem

My Reflection
I was doing a peaches problem and you had to put the last answer from the last white box for each question you had to put that in the other first white box for the next question and the yellow box goes into the next yellow box and same but with the green one.

Monday, 31 July 2017

vowels practice

My Reflection
I was practicing the long and short vowels and for example you can do short a for mat
and you can do long a for ape.
I can identify short and long vowel sounds.
I am most proud of not getting distracted and finishing my work fast.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

short and long vowel sounds

My reflection
I was learning about the short and long vowels for example for the short and long A you
can do for short cat and for long you can do angel.
I can identify the different sounds that vowels make.
I have circled the correct words for each vowel sound.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Reading And Writing Whole Numbers

My Reflection

I had to use a calculator and read the numbers written to spell a word EG debbie.
I can read numbers in written form
I found the word lollies difficult because I keep missing one number from reading what it said.
I can read from expanded form.
I can now read expanded form more faster.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

The 45 Sounds Of English

My Reflection
I had to think of different sounds everyday and we had to make a slide and add pictures and we
needed to think of 5 of each sounds or 10 of each sounds. beginning middle and end.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Multiple Multiplication Methods

My reflection

I had to use place value and tidy numbers and doubling and halving and we had to write what they were.

I can use place value
I can use tidy numbers
I am still learning to use doubling and halving

I found doubling and halving tricky

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Speech Plan

Select relevant ideas for the purpose and audience
Give facts and examples to back up our opinions

I can brainstorm many ideas related to my topic
I am still learning to organise ideas into three or more groups
I can give three facts or examples to back up each opinion I have

My next steps are to organize ideas into three or more groups.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Questions and Non-Fiction Texts

My Reflection
I had to read a book and answer the questions and also I had to count all the stuff in the slide
and I had to do it by my self or ask the teacher for some answers or think and search and you can look in the book and try and find some answers.
I can ask questions before, during and after reading.
I am still learning to identify the type of questions being asked.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Stop And Dash


I did well at making my popplet.
I feel good about how I did my sentences.
I was surprised that I finished my sentences.
I want to know more about making my popplet better and add pictures.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


I found this not easy because I was slow to finish my work. Next time I will be more faster at my work

Thursday, 11 May 2017

comparing summer and August

I found this easy because I already learned how to use tagul.
A tagul is something that you can make stuff with like up there ^
I made a tagul
I still wonder if you can add images to the list of things like up there, there is a fireball,world and a masked person.
I can now easily make taguls.                                                                                            

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Ordering Numbers 1-1000

I can order 1-1000
I found this easy because I'm good at ordering numbers.
I am proud of my ordering because I already knew what order it went in.


Wednesday, 29 March 2017


This was easy because I already knew the answer.
I am most proud of my strategy because this is my third time doing this strategy.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Wonder Story Pyramid

I had to think a lot and memorize some of the story
find and summarize information using describing words.
I am most proud of my thinking.

wonder sequencing

I did my work well and I think I got it in order
  • find and summarise information by choosing the most important information in a text
  • I am most proud of my work\order

Monday, 27 March 2017

Term 1 Basic Facts

This graph shows my basic facts test results
My goal is to get 100 for my score every time.

Thursday, 23 March 2017


My reflection
  • Make justified predictions - from lyrics of a song and a trailer Use prior knowledge and experiences to justify opinions about a topic
  • Embed a video into slides
  • Insert images and hyperlinks into slides

Success Criteria

  • Can give an opinion for each of the four topics
  • Can justify opinions
  • Can embed videos into the slide
  • Can insert images and hyperlinks into slides

Answer the following questions for your reflection
What did you do I was watching a trailer of wonder and it didn't show his face.
(watched trailer, listened to song, gave opinions on four topics in the book, inserted slides, screenshots, answered comprehension questions)
What did you do well at I did well at my slides.
How do you feel about it I fell good that I finished it.😅

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Enviro At EPS

I had to Write a story in a google slides.
I enjoyed writing and putting the pictures.
I learned what you need to do for the enviro.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

My Welcome Post


I am looking forward to going to youth town. I hope you enjoy my blog and leave some feedback for me. bye
Image result for smiley faceImage result for smiley faceWelcome to my learning blog for year 5 in 2017. This year I am in Room 25. My teacher is Miss Fisher. I enjoy sports

My goal for this year is to try not get distracted.

Image result for smiley face